Single-use systems have been steadily climbing toward the top of the tools utilized by biomanufacturers for the commercial-scale production of critical therapeutic products. However, COVID-19 created an inflection point for this technology, generating an even greater demand that will shape the market for many years. Yet, with considerable demand comes the need to focus on the key aspects driving growth while discovering the appropriate solutions to the challenges that invariably arise when technologies are being developed and utilized rapidly.

This is our third and final episode of GENcast, where Dr. Ger Brophy, the Executive Vice President of Biopharma Production at Avantor, joins me. We sat down to discuss several essential facets of single-use systems and some ways to help manage risk and decrease the intricacies most often associated with single-use supply chains. Make sure you check out episode one and episode two for more in-depth discussions with Dr. Brophy.

GEN Podcasts · The Quite Voice of Immunotherapy That’s Starting to be Heard


Ger Brophy, PhD
EVP, Biopharma Production

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