Broadcast Date: March 21, 2019
Time: 8:00 am PT, 11:00 am ET, 16:00 CET

For more than 15 years, the costs of DNA sequencing and synthesis have been improving faster than Moore’s Law. The impacts of the improvements made to DNA sequencing are well known: whereas the original Human Genome Project cost several billion dollars, a human genome can be sequenced today for about $1,000. With DNA synthesis now available at a cost of pennies per base pair, users no longer have to undertake traditional cloning, introducing new ways of engineering biological systems.

DNA synthesis is fundamental to the work of Ginkgo Bioworks, an organism design company that makes biology easier to engineer. Ginkgo was an early adopter of DNA synthesis and in 2017 announced a supply agreement with Twist for more than 1 billion base pairs of DNA. Ginkgo uses large-scale DNA synthesis to feed into highly automated foundries that engineer microorganisms for their customers. Join us for this GEN webinar, where you will discover new ways DNA synthesis can be applied to bioengineering, in addition to learning about innovative synthetic biology applications using automation to enable high-throughput bioengineering.

A live Q&A session will follow the presentations, offering you a chance to pose questions to our expert panelists.

Produced with support from:


Patrick Boyle, PhD
Head of Codebase
Ginkgo Bioworks